Suppose a car accident has occurred and you want to file a personal injury case to receive money for damages such as trauma, injury, medical bills, car insurance etc. In that case, you and your lawyer should retain a biomechanics expert.
A biomechanics expert uses accident reconstruction to help determine the contributing factors of a collision. They analyze the evidence from the accident scene, and use simulation software for the crash investigation.
Here are a few ways a biomechanics expert can help your case.
A biomechanics expert is trained and qualified to examine the crash and provide important details about the accident. They can help you find out the speed at which the vehicles were travelling before the crash, the severity of the accident, the occupant's actions before the crash, and other external contributing factors.
In most cases, the people involved in the crash are too overwhelmed or disoriented to fill in the blanks about what happened before and after the accident. A biomechanics expert can provide quantified information by using simulation software that recreates the accident.
The process of accident reconstruction is scientific and methodological, and uses the laws of physics and occupant kinematics. A biomechanics expert can provide a concise report about the accident, which can be used as evidence in a court case.
Biomechanics experts also have experience in investigating an accident and can provide professional testimony in personal litigation. For example, if the plaintiff argues that the injuries caused by the accident need to be covered, a biomechanics expert's testimony can provide additional detail to your testimony.
Trying to prove liability in a car crash or automobile accident is complicated, and there are many factors to consider in deciding who should pay for the damages that occurred. These damages can include payment for causing trauma or injury, covering the medical expenses, repairing the vehicles damaged in the accident etc.
A biomechanics expert can calculate the vehicle's speed and the occupant's movements at the time of the crash.
By evaluating the accident scene and determining the sequence of events such as the vehicles' position, the impact severity, ability of the driver to avoid the accident, damages that occurred etc., a biomechanics expert can answer significant questions regarding a personal injury case.
TLS Forensic Engineering has highly trained and experienced biomechanics experts who use state-of-the-art technology to determine the mechanism of injury and impact. Benefit from accident reconstruction experts in your case today! Call 479-595-8388 for more information.